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Vacancy description

ReadyToTouch is a product project that was founded in early 2020 with the goal of creating a platform for anonymous job searching.

Our goal is to facilitate the job search process for candidates by providing convenient and effective communication tools between candidates and recruiters. We strive to create a simple and effective job search algorithm that meets the needs of candidates.

We emphasize the search by projects. Furthermore, we understand how much work depends on the project and interest in the direction of the project.

Our project is at the stage of active development, and there is already a design and functionality that meet the expectations of our founder. Our team consists of three members responsible for design, layout, and backend development.

Our technology stack includes design in Figma, front-end in TypeScript, back-end in Go, and a PostgreSQL database. Interaction between clients and the server is implemented using code generation through grpc-web.

Our future plans include publishing the project publicly on GitHub, developing and promoting the project through technical articles, and a public version of the site that will be updated gradually.

Also, an important element of our activity is social responsibility, and we plan to direct profits to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine by checking receipts at